About Us
Hello, my name is Cierra Cain, owner of Black Sheep Shirt Company! I am momma to one wild boy who my husband and I adopted after a long 4.5 year foster journey! I work in education full time as an occupational therapist and spend the remainder of my time going to/from my son's sporting events and being the "shirt lady." The idea for Black Sheep was founded with a group of football mamas who banded together as the black sheep! My friend Kelly and I have worked so hard over the past year to bring our vision to life! We have experienced the most amazing support from our family, friends, teammates, and coworkers. I look forward to your support as well! I love making products that make people happy, are great quality, but most importantly affordable.
Below is a photo of the one who is my reason for everything. He makes me better in many ways. This business has been a great model to encourage him to follow his dreams, no matter how unconventional they are. My family and I appreciate you shopping here and supporting our small business.